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John Allen Nelson was "a perfect fit for Count Almaviva........""

Count Almaviva (John Allen Nelson) was at his best when venting his suspicions in 'Hia gia vinta la causa...Vendro mentr'io sospiro.'"


-Classical Voice of North Carolina 

"Nelson....had electrically charged interactions...John Allen Nelson, an overtly masculine presence as Marcello." 

"His robust portrayal produced an unusually potent comedic moment in the final act when, as Marcello satirizing female modesty, Nelson’s momentary switch to a tinny falsetto was rendered all the more humorous by contrast to his otherwise hearty sound."


-Boston Musical Intelligencer 

"Nelson’s auburn hued voice with a uniformity from top to bottom was a pleasure to listen to. ...His vocal performance left nothing to be desired. Though there were blatantly aggressive words thrown at Helena, the kindness in his demeanor, and the warmth of his voice undermined the mean-spirited text. It is no wonder that Helena continued to pursue him into the woods, and eventually prevailed."


-Boston Musical Intelligencer 


"As Dandini, Nelson brought a deliciously hearty sound: his bold, rounded singing elicits the same earthy satisfaction as a great glass of Cabernet. Equally effective, his acting was powered by a full-body approach to physical comedy. He is an engaging presence with sharp comic instincts: relishing his Prince-For-A-Day status, Nelson swaggered, glorying in his short-lived license to give orders to his master. He’s a natural choice for this role and others of its type..."


-Boston Musical Intelligencer 

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